Visual representation of the curriculum in geography textbooks: quantification of visuals in educational medium analysis

Časopis / Konference: IARTEM E-Journal
Autoři: Petr Trahorsch, Jan D. Bláha
Rok: 2019
Číslo: 2
Druh publikace: Článek v periodiku
Stránky, web: 1–20
Klíčová slova: Visual, Textbook analyses, Visual component of the textbook ;, Visual research, Geography textbook
Odkaz na plnou verzi:
Abstrakt: One of the most important components of the textbook are visuals which might facilitate the learning process. In some cases, however, due to their inconvenient structure misconceptions might arise. The aim of this study is to analyse and evaluate how convenient the structure of visuals represented in the curriculum in Czech geography textbooks is. For this purpose, we have used an expert evaluation of visuals in 16 textbooks by the quantitative content analysis method; visuals were categorised into groups based on four analysis criteria: type of visual, headline, thematic focus and colour; we were also interested in the space assigned to visuals in the textbook. The results of the analysis show that the key feature in geography textbooks are photographs; whose educational value is far less in comparison to other kinds of visuals. The amount of visuals without any heading is rather alarming. In contrast, there is a high proportion of coloured visuals which might have a positive effect on the learning outcome.
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