Visualising administrative division dynamics: transformation of borders and names in the Bohemian-Saxonian borderland

Journal / Conference: GeoScape
Authors: Martin Bartůněk, Jan D. Bláha
Year: 2023
Number: 2
Category of Publication: Article in Journal
Pages, web: 118-134
Keywords: administrative region, perceptual/vernacular region, regional dynamics, border, cartographic representation
Link to full version:
Abstract: Regions are main building blocks of larger territorial units, but they also display high dynamics affecting how regional identities can be studied. The regional dynamics and multilayered nature ultimately require new approaches to their visual representation. The goal of this article is to present a novel approach to visual presentation of the administrative regions´ dynamics by cartographic means of representation in a synthetic map that can assist in the research of regional identities. We adopt the theory of the institutionalisation of regions, the administrative division of the state is a process in which the borders and names of regions are constantly transformed causing changes in the perception of the population. Then we analyse the laws on administrative division reforms and old/historical map documents. This enabled us to identify the dynamics of individual borders and names of administrative regions (choronyms) that form spaces with a higher or lower degree of stability. We propose a visualisation approach to represent such dynamics, and we assert that through cartographic visualisation of the degree of transformation in these spaces it is possible to get an insight into population´s awareness about the named regions and their delimitation.
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