Aesthetics >> Students´ Thesis
One bachelor and one diploma thesis was defended in 2007 - 2008 as part of the project “Aesthetics in Cartographic Expression” (Uplatnění estetiky ve vyjadřovacích prostředcích kartografie). The bachelor thesis tested the methodology of criterion-based and verbal assessment of cartographic works in terms of aesthetics and user-friendliness. The diploma thesis looked for a compromise between the automatic process of map creation (application of means of expression) and manual process which usually reflects the natural and real representation of objects and phenomena in maps much more, using the example of representation of rocks in maps.
Throughout 2007 and 2008 two bachelor theses were assigned, with the aim to better understand creativity in cartographic works (fantasy and fiction world maps were used as an example, as well as maps for children and juniors). One bachelor thesis bases its research on the objectives of the ICA Art & Cartography working group and looks for connection between art and cartography, using the example of searching for artistic techniques and styles in cartographic works.
Complete Thesis
Cartographic works for children and youth: state of art and possibilities of GIS utilization / Marta Škardová / Bachelor's Thesis / 2010 / Complete Thesis
Abstract:: The aim of this paper is to present cartographic works for children and youth. The main object is the introduction to the problems of cartographic production for children and youth and the execution of value analysis in terms of cartography. The analysis focuses on the use of mapping language – character key and means of expresion, in this part is an efort to answer the question whether the cartographic works for children and youth are the real maps or rather an illustration. The assesment of selected product by their users – children continue the analasis. Another aim is to compare traditional methods of creating those works with the possibilities of modern computer cartography, three ways of making are demonstrated - by hand, using a graphic application and using cartographic application. Then the paper tries to assess the use of geographic and cartographic knowledge in products for children and youth, in this question the paper use knowledges gained in consultation with author from practise.
Keywords: cartographic works for children and youth, character key, illustration, map assessment, graphic program
Artistic styles and techniques in cartographic products for public / Antonín Bačo / Bachelor's Thesis / 2009 / Complete Thesis
Abstract:: The primary aim of the work is the analysis of carthographic products, that within means of expression use selected artictic styles and techniques. The purpose of this analysis is to examine the rate in which the art is potentialy used in modern cartography. In the next part there are outlined the possibilities of the application of artistic techniques in cartographic production with a help of classification of a few chosen works based on different criteria. There is the qestion if it is possible to use these processes practicaly. The answer gives the consultation with the creators of such products and then the production of the own works made by four different ways – handmade, with a help of graphic software, GIS software, and the application Autodesk Impression. This application is in nowadays used especially in architecture for artistic interpretation of engineering drawings. One of the aims of this work is also to indicate the potential of this software in cartographic production. The task of the own production is to show the benefits and limitations, connected with particular processes. The work should be conceived as a brief enumeration of the possibilities that offers the connection of car tography and art and that can lead to higher aesthetic value of cartographic outputs.
Keywords: artistic techniques, artistic styles, art, cartography, Autodesk Impression
Plans of Prague: State of Art and Concept of Thematic Map Key / Jan Major / Bachelor's Thesis / 2009 / Complete Thesis
Abstract:: The aim of this thesis is to propose a thematic map key for the plan of Prague and to apply it on a given sample. An analysis of the current state of map keys is brought up in the first part of this thesis. These map keys are commonly used by cartographic map publishers in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the work focuses on description of a complex character key of city plan as well as on possibilities of ArcGIS 9.x and OCAD programs during the creation of the map key. The next part deals with an evaluation of these two programs in terms of urban planning. Each program is evaluated in terms of several criteria. Then on the basis of these criteria one of the programs is chosen to be used for the creation of appropriate plans of cities. The evaluation of both programs comes out together with the cartographic piece of work as the results of this thesis. The proposed map key is then applied to this piece of work.
Keywords: map key, plan of Prague, evaluation, ArcGIS 9.x, OCAD
Rocks Representation in Digital Cartography and GIS / Jakub Lysák / Diploma Thesis / 2008 / Complete Thesis
Abstract:: This thesis deals with possibilities of rock representations in means of digital cartography mainly in large- and middle-scaled topographical maps. The field is seen from theoretical problems related to rock representation, several ways of information acquiring about rocks are discussed and point of view of the classical cartography is mentioned. There are described and evaluated several methods used in the digital cartography in contemporary maps and their relation to available geographical data sets in the thesis. On the basis of them is designed own methodology for representation of rock formations, based on their ground area and terrain edges. Emphasis is put on possible automation using detailed digital terrain model. The work also includes hypsographical map of the rock terrain created using the methodology.
Keywords: visualization of hypsography, cliff drawing, rock formations, digital cartography
Analysis of the sci-fi and fantasy worlds maps and the possibilities of using cartography in their p / Jakub Hrubý / Bachelor's Thesis / 2007 / Complete Thesis
Abstract:: The object of the thesis is to present maps of fictional, constructed worlds, that are the settings for the fantasy and science-fiction genre. The main object is an analysis of these maps in the terms of the modern cartography. A comparison of the fantasy maps and the ancient cartographic production is also a part of the analysis, which decides whether the fantasy map is only an illustration rather than real map. The answer of the question is not explicit, but it is enough to make an attitude about fantasy maps, which is necessary to make a decision during the making of the map. The object of the second part of the thesis is the process of making fantasy map. The three ways of making are being compared – hand making, using a graphic application and using a special cartographic application. The result of the process are three different maps of the same part of a fictional area. The thesis opens and presents a subject, which the modern cartographer could enforce himself in.
Keywords: fantasy, sci-fi, map, symbol clue, illustration, graphic software
Assessment of Tourist Maps in the Czech Market from the Aesthetical and User Helpfulness Point of Vi / Lucie Hrstková / Bachelor's Thesis / 2007 / Complete Thesis
Abstract:: Bachelor thesis focuses on the aesthetic evaluation function of currently creation of tourist and cyklotourist maps by qualitative and quantitative criteria. At the beginning of the thesis is focused on the theoretical perspective on the issue, in particular on introduction to the aesthetics and theory of evaluation. Followed by the design methodology and evaluation procedure. Quantification assessment is achieved using a number of sub-evaluation criteria. The result is a percentage level of compliance observed properties of the work. In conclusion, the knowledge is applied in the evaluation of six tourist maps by Geodézie ČS, Geodezie On-Line, Kartografie Praha, SHOCart, Žaket and Klub českých turistů (maps of Czech Tourist Club). An important part of the assessment is a survey among the users. / The results were published: